The Guides Section 1 | The Guides Walkthrough | Section 1 Puzzle 16

 The Guides Section 1 | The Guides Walkthrough | Section 1 Puzzle 16

The Guides Walkthrough
Section 1
Puzzle 16

This puzzle is similar to Puzzle 15. There are 4 orange dots to the LEFT of the letters.
In the circle are the letters: PMOI E FEH WXEV

Our clues on this level are 4 orange dots to the left of the word.

This puzzle is solved using a simple letter shift cipher.
Each letter represents the letter 4 spaces to the left in the standard alphabet.

In puzzle 15, we had to solve the cipher manually, but now that we’ve accomplished that, The Guides gives us a built in decoder to use.

Tap the up arrow in the bottom right corner
Tap the 4 box grid icon to switch to the decoder
Tap the letter shift icon (a > d) to use the letter shift decoder
Enter in the letters from the circle (PMOI E FEH WXEV).
Tap the SUBMIT button
You will see the words LIKE A BAD STAR appear
Tap the top text input field
Hit the SUBMIT button

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