The Guides Section 2 | The Guides Walkthrough | Section 2 Puzzle 14

 The Guides Section 2 | The Guides Walkthrough | Section 2 Puzzle 14

The Guides Walkthrough
Section 2
Puzzle 14

Tap the double right arrows at the bottom of the screen to view the clue for this level.
The clue says: (1,1)(2,5)(6,2)(2,2)(6,3)

If you look at the symbols in the puzzle as ordered columns and rows, you can use the values to solve the level:
1,1 is column 1, row 1, which is A
2,5 is column 2, row 5, which is R
6,2 is column 6, row 2, which is I
2,2 is column 2, row 2, which is E
6,3 is column 6, row 3, which is L

Tap the text input field
Key in the word ARIEL
Tap the SUBMIT button

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