The Guides Section 2 | The Guides Walkthrough | Section 2 Puzzle 22

 The Guides Section 2 | The Guides Walkthrough | Section 2 Puzzle 22

The Guides Walkthrough
Section 2
Puzzle 22

Tap the double right arrows at the bottom of the screen to view the clue for this level.
The clue is: D + V + R + S + N
If we use the cipher from Puzzle 21 we can convert each of those letters to numbers
The + signs tell us to add the numbers.
Additionally the puzzle says, “Add 13”
So D + V + R + S + N = 13 + 15 + 7 + 5 + 11 = 51. If we add 13, we get 64

Tap the text input field
Key in the number 64
Tap the SUBMIT button

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